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If you want to discuss industry-related content with like-minded professionals on a regular basis there’s one place to be: Facebook Groups.

Facebook Groups have been around for a few years now but have been gaining a lot of traction the last couple of months.

Recently, Facebook has added new group features such as Group Insights, member request filtering, scheduled posts, group-to-group linking, and many more.

Facebook Groups are hot!

Without further ado, here are the top 5 Facebook Groups or communities you should join if you’re into digital marketing.


Digital Marketing Belgium (DMB)


Digital Marketing Belgium (DMB) is the largest digital marketing community in Belgium.

It was founded by Artur ‘T Kindt and Elyssa Van Landeghem in order to unite all professionals within the industry.

At the moment, the group counts more than 3.000 active members and is the perfect place for learning, discussing digital marketing news, and networking.

Most common topics include:

  • digital marketing tools
  • social media tips & tricks
  • SEO
  • advertising
  • and many more!

Don’t hesitate and join the community now!


Growth Hacking Secrets (GHS)


Founded by Alex Rangevik, Growth Hacking Secrets is your online hub to learn more about growth hacking.

Tips on growth hacking include but are not limited to paid advertising, automation, traffic generation, SEO…

Eager to meet 4.000 like-minded growth hackers?

This is the community you’ve been waiting for.


Badass Marketers & Founders (BAMF)


If you’re looking for a knowledge bomb, BAMF is your address.

Josh Fechter has built an imperium of state-of-the-art digital marketers and high executives.

In the group you can find more than 100+ growth hacks, extremely useful guides and cutting-edge tactics.


Traffic And Copy (TaC)


TaC was founded by Vin Clancy & Charlie Price and consists of 18.000 members.

Members share tips on entrepreneurship, copywriting and growth hacking.

This group is just awesome.

Check it out.




BeTech is a Belgian community about technology and startups in Belgium. It’s worth checking it out especially if you work in tech.


What’s next?


Let me know if I should include any other groups in this list.

Please share this post if you found it useful.

Eager to learn more? Join our community to discuss digital marketing news with like-minded professionals.

Artur 'T Kindt on EmailArtur 'T Kindt on LinkedinArtur 'T Kindt on Twitter
Artur 'T Kindt
Founder & CMO at Digital Marketing Belgium
Artur is passionate about all things digital, social and technology.
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